NERC Arctic Office Projects API - Usage
General information
Limited, best effort, support is offered for using this API to integrate project information into the NERC Arctic Office website ( as part of it’s redevelopment.
Contact the BAS Service Desk for support.
Information handling
This API is provided by the British Antarctic Survey (BAS) on behalf of the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) Arctic Office. Both BAS and NERC are part of UK Research and Innovation (URKI), UKRI is the legal operator of this service.
Reasonable policies and technical measures are in place to ensure information in this API is held and transferred securely. Where third parties are used to operate this API, they are used for a necessary task and with measures in place to ensure they are used appropriately and securely.
Third party services used by this API are:
- Heroku - for storing data and hosting the API
- Sentry - for monitoring API errors, which may include API responses
If you have any questions about how information is used by this API please contact the BAS Service Desk in the first instance. If you do not receive a prompt reply please contact the BAS Freedom of Information Officer.
Security disclosures
Please contact the BAS Service Desk to disclose any security concerns with this API.
Contact us for instructions if you need to report any sensitive information.
Versioning policy
This API is versioned. An API version must be specified as a URL prefix (e.g. /v1
Only the latest, stable, API version is Supported. When a new version is released, all previous versions are deprecated for a period of time to allow clients time to move to the new version before being retired and removed.
Testing version
For testing new features and changes, an unstable, testing, version (/testing
) is available. The functionality and
data in this version may change or break at any time. Separate credentials are required to use this version.
The testing version uses fake, but realistic, data subject to these limitations:
- the number of fake date items is arbitrary and are created or removed in bulk, whereas the number of real data items is variable, based on the current number of relevant projects
- fake data may be removed or replaced with new data at any time whereas real data typically doesn’t change often and will be added or removed gradually
- project and organisation acronym’s don’t relate to a projects title
- project and grant publications are fake, using the reserved testing prefix
and will not resolve - project participant’s will only use a subset of available participant roles (Principle or Co Investigator)
- project countries will always be Svalbard and Jan Mayen (
) - people ORCID iDs are fake, and will not resolve
- organisation Grid IDs are fake, and will not resolve
Deprecation policy
Features may be deprecated in this API as it evolves. This may include changes to options, methods, resources and API versions. Usually an alternative feature will be available but in some cases a feature may be removed without one.
As with API versions, deprecated features will be supported for a period of time for clients to move to an alternative, before being retired/removed. Deprecated features will be referenced in this documentation.
Technical information
Standards support
This API follows the JSON API standard, unless stated otherwise.
Content Types
This API supports the application/json
content type only, unless stated otherwise.
This API supports UTF-8
character encoding only, unless stated otherwise.
Errors reported by this API follow the JSON API standard.
The id
property will vary with each error using a UUID (version 4).
Note: Non-client API errors are captured automatically by an error tracking service. Persistent client errors can be raised directly through Support.
Request IDs
All requests will include a X-Request-ID
header to aid in debugging requests through different components.
If desired, a custom request ID can be specified by the client which will be used instead of, or in addition to a API generated value.
Note: In some cases a client specified value will be ignored, ensure you do not rely on this value being returned.
Note: This header may include multiple values (multiple Request IDs) separated by a ,
with possible whitespace.
Authentication and authorisation
Clients must be granted access to information held in this API using OAuth tokens.
Clients may be registered by contacting Support to be granted suitable permissions and will be issued with a client ID and secret.
API methods that return large numbers of items will use pagination to split items into a number of pages based on the JSON API specification.
Pages are fixed to 10 items, with the page
query parameter selecting a page. Pages start from 1
, which will be
used when a page isn’t specified. Where a page doesn’t exist, a 404 Not Found error will be returned.
Responses will include links to navigate between pages. Where a link isn’t applicable (e.g. previous on the first page),
its value will be null
For example:
"links": {
"first": "",
"last": "",
"next": "",
"prev": null,
"self": ""
Data Types
String (data type)
String values are encoded as UTF-8.
emoji ❄️
Decimal (data type)
Decimal values are encoded with a given precision (e.g. 2 decimal places).
Date (data type)
Date values are encoded as ISO 8601 strings (i.e. YYYY-MM-DD
Date range (data type)
Date range values are encoded as an object containing:
- a ISO 8601 date interval string which covers the
entire range (i.e.
) - a ISO 8601 date instant string which marks the
beginning of the range (i.e.
) - a ISO 8601 date instant string which marks the
end of the range (i.e.
Date ranges can be unbounded, on either or both sides, to indicate where a range has no end date for example. When
unbounded, the relevant date instant will be null
and the relevant part of date interval will be replaced with ..
"interval": "1875-05-20/2002-04-14",
"start_instance": "1875-05-20",
"end_instance": "2002-04-14"
"interval": "../2002-04-14",
"start_instance": null,
"end_instance": "2002-04-14"
"interval": "1875-05-20/..",
"start_instance": "1875-05-20",
"end_instance": null
Currency (data type)
Currency values are encoded as an object containing:
- a decimal value with fixed precision of two decimal places (e.g.
) - a currency object containing:
"currency": {
"iso-4217-code": "GBP",
"major-symbol": "\u00a3"
"value": "123.40"
Resource related information
Controlled values
Currency symbols and codes
Currency symbols and codes used in this API are specified by the ISO 4217 standard (Table A.1).
Country names and codes
Country names and codes used in this API are specified by the ISO 3166-1 standard.
Participant roles
Participant roles used in this API are specified by the Scholarly Contributions and Roles Ontology (SCoRO).
Note: All classes and members of this ontology are supported by this API but in practice a limited number are used.
Science categories
Categories used for classifying research projects by subject are specified by a combination of knowledge/subject schemes:
- Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) - Summary - used as a general/base classification scheme
- NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) - Earth Science keywords - used as a specific classification scheme for the physical sciences
- UK Data Service - Humanities And Social Science Electronic Thesaurus (HASSET) - used as a specific classification scheme for the social sciences
Categories within these schemes are organised into a hierarchy allowing general concepts to be narrowed and specific concepts to be generalised. The UDC Summary scheme is used as a base against which other schemes are linked, to give a unified classification.
In this API relationships between categories are expressed as a tree, where each category has a single parent category and any number of optional child categories. Parent categories can be viewed as more general terms, child terms can be viewed as more specific terms.
Use of identifiers
ORCID iDs provide researchers and academics persistent digital identifiers to distinguish themselves from others.
They have quickly become a standard for distinguishing between, and providing a common reference to, individuals in tools, services and content within academia. They are used in this API to allow additional context and information that may be provided by an individuals ORCID record.
Note: ORCID iDs are a user led initiative and therefore may not be available for all individuals.
ORCID identifiers are formatted as a URI (e.g. They should not be split or otherwise modified. When displayed, ORCID’s display guidelines should be followed in full.
Note: ORCID iDs are not yet supported in the BAS Style Kit, however this is planned. Until support is available, it is recommended to use the Academicons icon font for future compatibility.
As of 2020 - ish GRID IDs are now superseded by ROR
GRID IDs provide academic organisations and research institutions persistent digital identifiers to distinguish themselves from others.
The GRID (Global Research Identifier Database) acts as both an authority (assigning identifiers) and as an aggregator of other authorities identifiers for the same organisation to provide increased context. They are used in this API to allow additional context and information that may be provided by an organisations GRID record.
GRID IDs are formatted as identifiers only (e.g. grid.496779.2
). They should not be split or otherwise modified. When displayed, GRID IDs should be shown as a linked identifier by adding
as a prefix.
Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs)
DOIs provide objects such as academic journal articles and datasets persistent digital identifiers to enable durable references to these objects, even as the services that host them change.
Digital Object Identifiers are used extensively in tools, services and content within academia. They are used in this API for referring to publications related to research projects and grants. DOI metadata can be used to provide additional context and information using services such as CrossRef.